CMPS 3130/6130 Introduction to Computational Geometry
Spring 17

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Class schedule

Open problems:
Jeff Erickson's list
David Eppstein's Geometry Junkyard
Open problems project by Erik Demain, Joe Mitchell, and Joe O'Rourke
Jorge Urrutia's list
Open problems presented at the Dagstuhl workshop on computational geometry in 2009

Origami talk by Robert Lang
Robert Lang's webpage with origami videos
Video about Lang's universal molecule algorithm

LiveCG; interactive visualization environment for computational geometry. Java download.
Voronoi demo in java script
Fortune's sweep animation in java script
Hull2VD description, download
Line segment Voronoi diagram using CGAL
Shortest path visualization
Robot Path Planning Using VDs (description)

Configuration space visualization video (paper)
AMS column about Euler's formula
Online resources for the textbook
20 proofs of Euler's theorem
The Geometry Junkyard
The Stony Brook Algorithms Repository: Computational Geometry
Planning Algorithms: Book by Steven LaValle on robot motion planning.

Java Applet Demos:
The links below point to webpages describing various java applet demos. You can run these applets as follows (assuming you have a java SDK installed (download), and your path variable is set such that you can call appletviewer from the command line):
  1. Call appletviewer url-of-webpage on the command line.
  2. Run the executable jar: appletview.jar. This jar file contains a java application that makes system calls to the appletviewer. (The source is here.)
Could not include javademos.html.

Last modified by Carola Wenk,   cwenk  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu,